Domain to IP Address Lookup Tool

Domain to Ip Address Lookup and Converter Tool

What is DNS Lookup ?

DNS Lookup is a widely used utility for retrieving information about a domain, including its IP address and server details such as country, location, region, and city. This software or web application can be used to gather information for any domain, whether it's a well-known website like or providing insights into their corresponding numerical IP addresses such as  as or While a similar result can be achieved using the ping command in the command prompt, where converters offer a user-friendly alternative, providing convenience and ease of use.

What is DNS and How it Works ?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is like a phonebook for the internet. It translates human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses that computers can understand. When you type a domain name into a web browser, your computer sends a request to a DNS server to find the corresponding IP address. The DNS server then responds with the IP address, allowing your computer to connect to the correct website.

What is Ip Address and How it Works ?

Full form of IP is Internet protocol, it"s a unique id number for every device on the internet. When you type a website address into your web browser, a special system called DNS turns that name into the correct IP number. This allows your computer to connect to the right website and browse the internet smoothly.

Find IP of Server using Command Prompt

Using ping Command:

  1. Open a command prompt window.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:


For example, to find the IP address of Google, you would type the following command:


  1. The command prompt will send a ping request to the server and return the IP address, if the server is responding.

For example, the following output shows the IP address of Google returned by ping


Using nslookup command

  1. Open a command prompt window.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:


For example, to find the IP address of Google using nslookup, you would type the following command:


  1. The command prompt will return the IP address of the server, if the server is responding.

For example, the following output shows the IP address of Google returned by nslookup


There are more command these were the usually used ones.

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